Mr. Chintaman Mahadeo Dixit alias Dilip
Independent Non-Executive Director

Independent Non-Executive Director

Date of last re-election
October 2024

Current directorships in other listed companies

Interest in the Company
Biographical Details
Mr. Dilip Dixit is a seasoned professional with 5 decades of experience in the field of accountancy and finance. He is a Managing Partner in the most reputed and one of the oldest firms of Chartered Accountants Viz. G.D.Apte & Co. Besides other sectors, he is specialized in the field of Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) as the Auditor and Consultant. He is associated with leading Banks in India such as Union Bank of India, IDBI Ltd., Bank of India, State Bank of India as their Statutory Auditors. He has managed take overs and mergers of Banks and the first case of Take Over of a Co-Operative Bank by a Public Sector Bank is his brainchild.
Mr. Dilip Dixit was also the Auditor of Life Insurance Corporation of India from time to time. He was a member of a study Group formed by Reserve Bank of India to examine the problems of Nostro Accounts. He was also a Co-opted Member of the various technical committees of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He was an Independent Director of Dena Bank, Indian Bank, Bandhan Bank Ltd, Stock Holding Corporation Ltd. He was also appointed as an Independent Director by Central Govt. of India on the Board of Konkan Railways Ltd.
Mr. Dilip Dixit is a Commerce Graduate and a distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.