U Kyi Aye


Date of last re-election
October 2024

Current directorships in other listed companies
First Myanmar Investment Public Company Limited (Myanmar)

Interest in the Company
Indirect, through FMI **
Biographical Details
U Kyi Aye started his career in the banking industry in 1960 and was transferred to the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) in 1965 after nationalization. He held many positions over 25 years in CBM, including Chief Accountant (1987 – 1989) and Executive Director (1989 – 1991). He was appointed as the Managing Director of Myanmar Economic Bank in 1991 and subsequently as Governor of CBM in 1992 until 1998 when he retired from the service.
U Kyi Aye joined Yoma Bank in 2000 as the Special Counsel to the Chairman of the Bank. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Laws from Yangon University, as well as a Diploma in World Banking and Finance from The Economic Institute in Boulder, Colorado, USA. He is also a Certified Public Accountant.
**For more information, please refer to FMI 2022 Annual Report, page 12.