Yoma Bank held a ceremony to donate essential medical equipment and supplies to about 6,500 households through its new CSR initiative across Northern Shan state
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- The estimated beneficiaries are over 27,000 locals from 53 villages across 7 townships in the Northern Shan State.
- The donation consists of over 20,000 of medical equipment and supply kits in addition to community support in facilitating healthcare education programs.

Yangon, Myanmar – October 19, 2020 – As part of Yoma Bank’s new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Yoma Bank donated medical relief packages throughout Northern Shan state. The donation ceremony was held at “Thar Tha Na 2,500” Monastery, Lashio City on 17th October 2020 and donation items were delivered to the communities by over 70 health workers. The relief packages are estimated to reach over 27,000 locals across 53 villages located throughout seven townships including Lashio, Mongyai, Tangyan, Namtu, Kyaukme, Kutkai and Namhkan. The relief packages consist of personal protection equipment, disinfectant products, thermometers, medical equipment, and pharmaceuticals.
Representatives from the Yoma Bank Lashio Branch, representatives of local authority, health workers and relevant persons were attended to the ceremony, that was held by following local COVID-19 rules and regulations as well as practicing social distancing. Yoma Bank’s new CSR activity is committed to uplift the public access to healthcare and wellbeing amongst the wider communities.
During the government endorsed ‘Social Distancing,’ the donation is set to alleviate the impacts of COVID-19 on the communities by dedicating resources to ensure vulnerable individuals and families receive priority healthcare services. Furthermore, Yoma Bank strives to uplift the basic healthcare services throughout the remote communities.

Yoma Bank implemented public awareness via audio broadcasts over loudspeakers using local languages and safety campaigns throughout the region to maximize COVID-19 prevention through education. The awareness campaigns will include the disbursement of medically accurate information on COVID-19 symptoms, prevention and transmission reduction techniques in addition to access to emergency service. Additionally, this will allow the communities to be kept informed and connected throughout the pandemic.
Mr. Dean Cleland, CEO of Yoma Bank said, “We are pleased that Yoma Bank’s new CSR program has been deployed in helping communities in the remote areas, as this is where the support is needed the most. Yoma Bank is committed to contribute to the wellbeing of the communities we serve, and our new CSR initiatives will focus on promoting social development and inclusion throughout our communities. We hope this initiative has a positive impact on the communities’ COIVD-19 treatment and prevention and to overcome the challenges faced due to the pandemic. We will continue to consistently commit future support to communities through different programs to supplement needs. We hope this initiative has a positive impact on the communities’ COIVD-19 prevention in the region.”
Yoma Bank also donated medical supplies with about 20,000 number of donation items to these 70 health workers to accelerate their services in the region. The donation items of medical supplies included provision of basic medical supplies such as masks, face shields. thermometer, vitamins, domestic medicines, stationery, backpacks, raincoats and tools for healthcare workers and hygiene kits (soap, hand sanitizer, nail clippers).
Ma Lway Yay Kyawt health worker from Sai Lain village, Manton City said “The villagers are delighted to receive the required medical supplies from Yoma Bank. The regional lockdown due to COVID-19 created difficulties for villagers to get access to medications. The education program will be beneficial for local communities especially because the Bank ensure that messaging is constant across various languages. On behalf of all the health workers in the region, we would like to thank the Bank for supporting us in the time of need”
Yoma Bank is dedicated in Building a better Myanmar by creating shared value for the wider communities. The Bank is committed to uplifting the current standard by implementing positive impact initiatives such as financial inclusions, women empowerment, community development and environmental awareness. Yoma Bank is accelerating its different CSR initiatives in this year which aims to positively impact the community to build better Myanmar together with its communities.