Who we are > Governance
Who we are > Governance
KPIs | Unit | Value FY on March 2023 | SDG | UNGC | GRI |
Headcount | |||||
Total number of people working on 31 March 2023 | Number | 3620 | 8 | 6 | 102-7 |
Number of female employees | Number | 1950 | 5, 8 | 6 | 405-1 |
Number of male employees | Number | 1670 | 5, 8 | 6 | 405-1 |
Number of employees under 30 | Number | 1596 | 5, 8 | 6 | 405-1 |
Number of employees between 30 and 45 | Number | 1510 | 5, 8 | 6 | 405-1 |
Number of employees between 45 and 60 | Number | 478 | 5, 8 | 6 | 405-1 |
Number of employees over 60 | Number | 36 | 5, 8 | 6 | 405-1 |
Number of employees with permanent contract | Number | 3617 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of employees with temporary contract | Number | 3 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of female employees holding Executive level | Number | 5 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of male employees holding Executive level | Number | 8 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of female employees holding Top Management level | Number | 20 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of male employees holding Top Management level | Number | 16 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of female employees holding Middle Management level | Number | 214 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of male employees holding Middle Management level | Number | 113 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of female employees holding Entry level | Number | 1711 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Number of male employees holding Entry level | Number | 1533 | 5, 8 | 6 | 102-8 |
Employee Engagement | |||||
Absenteeism rate | % | 0 | 8 | 6 | |
Turnover rate | % | 1.08% | 5, 8 | 6 | 401-1 |
Health and Safety | |||||
Number of accidents | Number | 0 | 8 | 6 | 403-9 |
Frequency Rate | Accident/ Millions of working hours | 0 | 8 | 6 | 403-9 |
Number of fatal | Number | 0 | 8 | 6 | 403-9 |
Fatality rate | Fatality/ Millions of working hours | 0 | 8 | 6 | 403-9 |
Training | |||||
Training expenditure | MMK | 269,356,715 | 4, 8 | 6 | |
Total number of training hours | Hours | 80,470 | 4, 8 | 6 | 404-1 |
Total number of people who received at least one training | Number | 3,498 | 4, 8 | 6 | 404-2 |
% of people trained | % | 99% | 4, 8 | 6 | 404-3 |
Number of trainings | Number | 366 | 4, 8 | 6 | 404-2 |
Average hours of training per employee | Hours | 23 | 4, 8 | 6 | 404-1 |
Career Development | |||||
Total number of people hired | Number | 1,017 | 5, 8 | 6 | 401-1 |
Number of female employees hired | Number | 489 | 5,8 | 6 | 401-1 |
Number of male employees hired | Number | 528 | 5, 8 | 6 | 401-1 |
Total number of employees promoted | Number | 327 | 5, 8 | 6 | 404-3 |
Number of female employees promoted | Number | 173 | 5, 8 | 6 | 404-3 |
Number of male employees promoted | Number | 154 | 5, 8 | 6 | 404-3 |
Equal Opportunities Employer | |||||
Number of people with disabilities | Number | 0 | 10 | 6 |
KPIs | Unit | Value FY March 2023 | SDG | UNGC | GRI |
Energy | |||||
Total energy consumption | MMK | 3,393,781,130.58 | 12, 13 | 7, 8 | 302-1 |
Total electricity consumption | MMK | 1,393,518,265.86 | 12, 13 | 7, 8 | 302-1 |
Total gasoline consumption | MMK | 2,000,262,864.72 | 12, 13 | 7, 8 | 302-1 |
Carbon | |||||
Carbon Emission | Kg CO2 eq | 3,366,050 | 13 | 7, 8 | 305-2 |
KPIs | Unit | Value FY March 2023 | SDG | UNGC | GRI |
Tax | |||||
Total amount of tax contributed | million MMK | 3,858 | 16 | 207-4 | |
Philanthropic Activities | |||||
Total amount of donation | million MMK | TBC | 9 | 203-1 | |
Total number of beneficiaries | Number | TBC | 9 | 203-1 | |
Supply chain | |||||
Number of suppliers | Number | 220 | 8 | 102-44 | |
Number of local suppliers | Number | 166 | 8 | 102-44 | |
Total amount of spending for suppliers | MMK | 41,069,501,227 | 8 | 204-1 | |
Total amount of spending for local suppliers | MMK | 36,705,840,130 | 8 | 204-1 | |
Number of supplier audit | Number | 71 | 8 |
KPIs | Unit | Value FY on March 2023 | SDG | UNGC | GRI |
Operations | |||||
Total assets | million MMK | 3,855,749 | 201-1 | ||
Total amount of deposits | million MMK | 3,509,897 | 201-1 | ||
Total amount of loans | million MMK | 2,107,724 | 201-1 | ||
Total amount of income | million MMK | 15,149 | 201-1 | ||
Profit after tax | million MMK | 11,291 | 201-1 | ||
Finances | |||||
Return on equity | % | 5.44% | 201-1 | ||
Return on assets | % | 0.4% | 201-1 | ||
Cost to income ratio | % | 88.70% | 201-1 | ||
Value creation | |||||
Total CAPEX | million MMK | 167,884 | 201-1 | ||
CAPEX related to IT/technology/data | million MMK | 5,321 | 201-1 |
KPIs | Unit | Value FY March 2023 | SDG | UNGC | GRI |
Customer Relationship | |||||
Total number of customers | Number | 1,216,410 | 8 | 102-6 | |
Total number of indirect customers (through MFIs) | Number | 157,545 | 8 | 102-6 | |
Number of ibanking users | Number | 247,327 | 9 | 102-2 | |
Responsible Product and Marketing | |||||
Campaign/events to raise awareness on: | Number | TBC | 4 | 417-1 | |
– Digital payment | Number | TBC | 4 | 417-1 | |
– Financial literacy | Number | TBC | 4 | 417-1 | |
Amount spent on Campaign/events to raise awareness on: | million MMK | TBC | 4 | 417-1 | |
– Digital payment | million MMK | TBC | 4 | 417-1 | |
– Financial literacy | million MMK | TBC | 4 | 417-1 |
KPIs | Unit | Value FY on March 2023 | SDG | UNGC | GRI |
Compliance | |||||
Total number of complaints/breaches regarding the Code of Conduct | Number | 43 | 16 | 6, 10 | 205-3 |
Total number of breaches related to data | Number | TBC | 16 | 10 | 205-3 |
Total number of Enhanced Due Diligence conducted on social and environmental topics | Number | TBC |